Thursday, December 15, 2011

Goodbye Blogger.

So I have decided to move my blog to new and distant lands. Or, just to a different hosting service. So check me out at

It will be pretty much the same thing, just looking better and easier to use. (and hopefully encourage me to write more...)

A commentary

So, I'm friends with some amazing people. I am blessed by their friendship and influence. But they are also wise. They have written some things.

One friend I spent 3 months doing a missions school with. He went home afterwards and wrote about his experiences.

"I think the biggest challenge I had was finding people who were genuine and serious about going deeper in their faith. Why is that so rare? I feel like people are so comfortable with where their at in their faith that they aren’t willing to grow.
Is that really christianity? I dunno.
I’m not saying if you don’t get a crazy weird church started you don’t love jesus. I’m looking at the average 1st world nation church community. Look at your life: You probably got a job doing stuff and go to church on a sunday cause you have an interest in what God has for you. So you listen to the preacher, you feel convicted about a few things so you try to change a little bit about who you are. Maybe hi five that annoying hobo. But probably forgot about it by next sunday. I feel like this cycle is much to common and ineffective for the kingdom of God.

I think if we really Love God and want to follow him we should be taking his word much more literally and stop adjusting it to make our lives comfortable."

You can check him out at

Another good friend of man writes about community and how we can make space for people, and he is a huge influence on me in how to do this.
Check this out
"He then looked me in the eyes and asked “so what brings you here?” It was an oddly blunt question. But for the first time in a long time i told a short version of my struggle with church up until my recent falling back in love with the bride of christ. He knowingly nodded and said ‘You know that verse about working your faith out in fear and trembling? Its not talking about you sitting in a dark room by yourself, its talking about you working everything out in a group. So if you don’t have a church you can point to, you need to find one.

Wandering around in the desert is fine for a season but, we weren’t designed to do this by ourselves’"

Also, check his blog out.

I love different viewpoints and mindsets, and I have so many amazing friends doing cool things I couldn't list them all here. But my point (I think I have a point..) is, how cool is it to hear different ideas and stories and beliefs in a group, and whether or not you share them 100% you agree on enough to still work together?
The community I and these guys speak of comes from DIFFERENT people putting aside differences for the ONE true God. We get to be so much more that way.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Treading on Toes.

So, you know the saying "treading on someones toes"?

If for some reason you don't, it basically means getting in the way, annoying or offending someone or overstepping boundaries.

I pose to you a question.

What if we didn't have any toes?

I'm not talking literally (the answer:we fall over) but figuratively. What if we had nothing for others to step on? What if we were immune to offense? What if we were unable to be upset by others?

What a shift! How our lives, and the lives of those around us would change!! Imagine if we as christians took on Jesus ability to love others and lay himself down for them. Now this isn't saying people won't do things to offend us, but we can choose to let it affect us. We can show and demonstrate a different way of responding, of reacting to offense.

Sounds difficult hey? But if you look at the physical way we respond to having no toes, our spiritual or figurative response should be similar- We fall over! We are humbled. We are on our knees in front of the other person. Not to get our own way or proclaim our opinion, but to fall over and prostrate ourselves for the sake of love and relationship.

Because where does this all get us? What is the point? To illustrate love. To be more Christlike, and even in a more selfish sense, when we are offended and hold bitterness its like drinking poison and hoping it hurts the other person. We can choose to be humble, and value our relationship over our pride. And all of this can be in reference to our relationship with Jesus as well. Not having a boundary that He can't step over and ask us to do this or that.

Let's lop off our toes and fall to the ground instead shall we?
Let's learn to fight for the things worth fighting for, and value the things worth valuing.
Let's value The kingdom rather than our kingdom.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Overcome Me!

God is almighty, all powerful, never-ending, all consuming. He is an all consuming fire, a mighty hand, a strong tower, an army that cannot be numbered. Why is then that so many people, so many christians are not moving in this? Are not completely full of God and moving in Him?

Because the one thing God cannot overcome is the very thing he so wants to. Ourselves.

God does not desire miracles or fresh moves of the Holy Spirit only as much as He wants to fill and be in people.
He loves people so much!
He died for it. He pursues it. But this creation of his called man has a mighty and powerful gift and flaw. Choice. This thing called choice that allows so many mistakes but allows for so much love. Love cannot be had without a choice. Think about that spouses. God so desires love, that he was willing for people to fall away to allow us to have it. What an honour that we get to experience this?? This love is something we can experience.

But we also use our choice to push God away, to find our own way. Our sin and our self and our desires get in the way. That is why my prayer is “Overcome me, Oh God.” I dont want these stupid little sins and selfishness to get In the way of this mighty and powerful love. Why would I want my desire for comfort to get in the way of being swept up in a flood of pure love that is so powerful it cannot help but create. Yet somehow it does.
So I cry out. Daily, or more often. Don't let me get in the way of what you want to do in and through me God! Far be it from me to withhold from you!!

Is there anything you are withholding from God that He wants to repossess??

Sunday, October 9, 2011

An Answer

I find this really interesting. That a non-christian, worldly famous person can get something so spot on and yet miss something so large.

His thoughts I believe are completely true, love is the answer to all those things, and more. But then we get an interesting little passage in 1 John 4:7 "Beloved, let us love one another, for love is of God, and everyone who loves has been born of God, and knows God. The one who does not love has not known God. For God is love."

God is love. The Trinity in fact is the only being that can be love because it has other entities to love on- love requires an otherness and an ability to pour out of yourself. So the father, son and Spirit and son existing in this dance of humility and servanthood are the perfect example of love to us.

So, what is sacred? A God of love who in his holiness still chose to come for us.
What is the Spirit made? We are made in God's image and have an innate desire for love and acceptance. That is why romantic movies and love is an eternal concept- because it literally is an eternal concept.
What is worth living for? A God who loved me first and has a purpose and plan.
What is worth dying for? As John says later on in 1 John 4 "In this is love: not that we have loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son to be the atoning sacrifice for our sins."
God showed us what love worth dying for looked like.

Thanks Johnny Depp, you're alright for a scissor handed butcher-pirate, lolly shop owner.

Monday, September 26, 2011


Why do I follow Jesus?

Jesus is a God to follow because he illustrated, not just told. He painted a picture, sung a song, danced a dance.

He came to be and live with us. The same hands that created forests sculpted wood. The same breath that spoke man into existence was shortened as he ran from persecution. The same being that breathed the stars into existence sat one night and prayed underneath them.

He not only came to us, He came for us. He came to be a way. Not just to tell us some laws, but demonstrate how to fulfill them. He showed us the Life to live. He was the Life to live.

Dirtied and messed up and in pain He thought of love. With a crown of thorns and nail pierced hands He thought of love. With no friends at his side and God forsaking Him He thought of love. And the dirt and the blood and the pain all flees in the face of the hope. That mighty hope that we are able to sit with Him. That his bride the church can become spotless and mighty simultaneously and dance with Him like He once did on earth. That we can partake in fierce love. That we can endlessly dance with a being who loved absolutely unto death.

I will follow this Jesus. This torn man. This present Creator. This broken body. This sacrificed Power. This Life. This Love.

This is Jesus to me.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Compared to some...

I'm going to make a possible bold statement....
Comparison and judgement are the root of all sin.

They are what entered into the world in the garden. The "knowledge" of good and evil became a feeling of righteousness and superiority at the fact we know. Adam and Eve felt ashamed because they now compared each other, and knew there was a possibility of someone being "worse" looking or "better" at this or that.
It is where Pride comes from, with us claiming to know better. Insecurity is the opposite, telling us we are worse than others. This all comes from the fact we were meant to have someone else give us identity. God walked with Adam and Eve and they found who they were in Him, but we got a knowledge that said our identity comes from ourselves and others, not God.

So if this is sin, and the root of sin, it seems strange that we as Christians have this horrible mindset of "I am saved and know jesus and you don't so therefore I am better than you" Its not said but so often its implied. Even interdenominationally, we say we have more of the Holy Spirit, or have been around for longer or have a better revelation. We classify our sins and put homosexuality and abortion at the top but judgement and pride are common accepted residents in a church.
Paul speaks in all his epistles of unity. The Jew and gentile divide was exactly this, they each thought they were better, had some new revelation or such. But Paul beats them down. There is no Jew or Greek in the Kingdom, we have all died with Christ.

We need more unity.
We need more humility.

Yes, you may be able to eat pig, or hear the Holy spirit, or move in the gifts, but is it causing a brother to stumble?? Have we taken on Jesus' role as judge? We say, oh they are not saved or do not have the right theology. Maybe so, but who are you to say so?? And is the way you're saying so actually helping their faith?
I feel like the verse "And they shall know us by our love for one another" is not being lived out. Us as christians have become so quick to judge ourselves. We fight interdenominationally, so that those on the outside say, "if they cant get along? why would i want to join?" Its true. How can we love those who are hard to love when we can't love our own brothers?
I just feel like our judgement of being holier than others promotes disunity. And that is of the enemy. God desires unity because he is Unity. He wants our identity and security to be found in HIM. He wants us united in a common goal of seeking Him and showing others Him. And when it comes to this, are we really all that different? Our methods or theologies behind it may differ, but Jesus is Lord. And that's enough???

Can we as modern christians possibly write a new Nicene Creed?

We believe in one God,
the Father, the Almighty,
maker of heaven and earth,
of all that is, seen and unseen.

We believe in one Lord, Jesus Christ,
the only Son of God,
eternally begotten of the Father,
God from God, light from light,
true God from true God,
begotten, not made,
of one Being with the Father;
through him all things were made.
For us and for our salvation
he came down from heaven,
was incarnate of the Holy Spirit and the Virgin Mary
and became truly human.
For our sake he was crucified under Pontius Pilate;
he suffered death and was buried.
On the third day he rose again
in accordance with the Scriptures;
he ascended into heaven
and is seated at the right hand of the Father.
He will come again in glory to judge the living and the dead,
and his kingdom will have no end.

We believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of life,
who proceeds from the Father [and the Son],
who with the Father and the Son is worshiped and glorified,
who has spoken through the prophets.
We believe in one holy catholic and apostolic Church.
We acknowledge one baptism for the forgiveness of sins.
We look for the resurrection of the dead,
and the life of the world to come.
